The Colour Matters CM32 Support Policy

We want you to know that we take great pride in providing our customers with excellent customer support. Should you have any questions or issues, we invite you to take advantage of one of the several avenues we provide to get you the service you need. We have made every effort to ensure product and user satisfaction. If you have any questions about our policy, please contact Color Matters I.S. today.

Initial Software Support:

All phone support, site visits, technical support and tutorials are free of charge through the 30 day Warranty Period.

Extended Software Support Includes: 

After 30 days

▪ Daily Phone & Site Support for the Software User

▪ 40% off new user Training costs

▪ New Software Upgrades 1 to 2 times year per year plus user training on the new features

▪ Priority Support Status as an Annual Support Customer

Annual Support Charges:   

Fees are based on Modules Purchased. Please contact us for exact pricing.

Customers Not on Extended Support will incur the following charges:

CM32 Software One-Time Upgrades: Fees are based on Modules Purchased.*

Site Support: $135.00/1st Hour ($ 95.00 per hour 2nd on) per incident

Training (On-Site): $100.00 per hour, for up to 3 people

Training (On-line): $75.00 per

Replacement Key: $160.00*

Replacement Installation CD $ 50.00*

*May be charged for software updates released between current version & the new version purchased. **Outside of Manhattan travel and accommodation (if required) are additional.

Additional Technical Services [Non CM32 Software specific]: If additional services are needed unrelated to CM32 software, we can recommend Computer Technicians for any on-site repair or service work. Available services include any hardware problems, networking or web site design.


Ph# 1.866 EASY CAD (327-9223) email:
